Dear Art friends,
Thanks for checking out the second installment of my monthly newsletter. This month I'm highlighting my upcoming Artburst show and the launch of my postcards project. But first, I'll always start with a postcard from my heart to yours. Here goes:
An honorable human relationship — that is, one in which the two people have the right to use the word “love” — is a process, delicate, violent, often terrifying to both persons involved, a process of refining the truths they can tell each other.
It is important to do this because it breaks down human self-delusion and isolation.
It is important to do this because in doing so, we do justice to our own complexity.
It is important to do this because we can count on so few people to go that hard way with us.
Adrienne Rich, From Lies, Secrets, and Silence. Selected Prose 1966-1978.
Artburst is around the corner
Please join me at my next show from the comfort of your own home. I'll showcase 11 new pieces created especially for Artburst Studios' Inaugural Show, "Inside, Outside, Upside Down."
Start time: Thursday, February 23, 2023, at 2:32 PM Mountain Time
End time: Saturday, February 25 at 11:43 PM Mountain Time
At the “Inside, Outside, Upside Down" Show Hub, all online from the comfort of your favorite place to access the internet.
For a preview of my pieces for the show, head to my website.
Create a free collector profile on the Artburst Studios' website.
By creating a free profile, you can preview all show pieces (including sizes, pricing, and other details) 24 hours before the show begins.
On Opening Day, before the start time, sign in to your Artburst Collector account in advance. Gather your preferred payment method.
The show goes LIVE at 2:32 PM Mountain Time. If you have your heart set on a specific piece, we recommend being ready to go at the show's start.
Successful Check Out: Add only one piece of artwork to your shopping cart and complete one purchase at a time. Adding multiple selections to your cart delays the process if one of your choices is already sold out.
Post-Show Bliss: Delight in the show afterglow! The artist will contact you to confirm shipping options.
I am here to help. Contact me at if you need additional assistance.
A little video about my process
Postcards from the heart
I am so touched by the responses I received for my postcards from the heart project. I am looking forward to this weekly practice; see below for the first postcard. To find out more about the project, click here.